We are in Pori
29/03/22Our second mobility has begun here in Pori 😍 First day we learned about Finnish school system, Finnish culture, Pori and tomorrow we have a visit to local primary school.
Our second mobility has begun here in Pori 😍 First day we learned about Finnish school system, Finnish culture, Pori and tomorrow we have a visit to local primary school.
La nostra trajectòria a Erasmus+ comença en el curs 2020/2021 on vàrem sol·licitar el projecte KA2 “STEAMing for the future” 2020-1-ES01-KA226-SCH-096028 dins la convocatòria de “Asociaciones para la Preparación para la Educación Digital” del qual en som el soci coordinador, juntament amb la Scuola… Llegeix més»